Tuesday 16 April 2013

Rich Thinking! I QUIT!!


This video is about a teacher reading his resignation letter to Providence School Board. This has risen a lot of awareness of how a school system or teacher should teach and treat each student in the school.

I am really appreciated with how this teacher has done for the students. He is really a good teacher to my opinions. "School" has been a big part of the childhood memories for a lot of people. How the school treats the students will have a big influences on the future of these poor kids as it is their important development stage. First, stop providing breakfast to students. Breakfast, as the first meal of people is really important. It gives people a good start by providing enough nutritions. Moreover, children can have their time to play and relax for a bit before class starts. This also helps building up relationship between one another and rely and care for each other. Second, school is supposed to be helping parents to grow them into mature adults with mature minds and personal values each of them believe, but definitely NOT TEST-TAKERS! If children are trained to become a test-taker, they will not learn anything even until the graduation. Third, a motivated learning environment is good for students learning but not too strict. They are studying in a school but not a military camps! If they are too strict, they may have negative effects on them such as lower down their motivations to learn.
I applaude to this teacher for his action and I hope this video would bring more reflections to people.

What kind of education would you want your next generation to receive? 


  1. I also appreciate what this teacher has done. He is right in what he did. I liked how you gave alternative ways that the schools could do things to help better the development and lives of these young children. After all it is school not the military.

  2. I like how you end this post in a question. It makes the reader think about in the future, when they have children, how they would want them to be treated. I agree that this teacher has done a great thing for the students now and in the future, it has brought this matter to attention and people should realize that a one size fits all curriculum is a bad idea.

    1. I hope people can really reflect by asking the questions to themselves. This has to be stopped. I hope more and more people can be aware of this kind of education system and reflect on what education system is really good to the students.

  3. I like how you embedded the video directly into your blog post. It will definitely help readers that don't know exactly what you're talking about. I also really liked how you thoroughly explained each point you stated. I also like how you stressed that students are not solely at school to become test takers, I'm sure it hits home with a lot of your readers since many students are not the best with formal evaluations.

    1. Thanks, I think that with a little introduction for the video, readers can have a brief understanding on what the video is about. A lot of people don't have time to read through a long video , although it is just 5 minutes. I hope people can really reflect on the education that this school has received.
